Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Snapshot of the river Brett as it flows through Chelsworth.

Got up early, loaded the car, and hit the road at 7a.m. Went to Long Melford. Been a good, busy, and fairly successful day today. Bought three horn spoons, three paleolithic axe heads, and seven flint neolithic arrow heads. Had the stone age stuff brought in to me, and was pleased to buy them. It always amazes me how very cheap antiquities still are. By the very nature of 'prehistory' we have no contact with 'prehistoric man', either passed down by word of mouth or written record. The only possible contact we have with them is by examining and appreciating their art and artifacts; and a people who can put such thought and care into their pictures, tools and weapons must have been fully human.
Home now, and have just had a 'phone call from friends who have a ticket to admit four to the antique fair at Glemham Hall on Saturday. They want us to accompany them and will also take us for a pub lunch in that area. Sounds a pleasant day out and have gratefully accepted, but means I will have to skip Scrabble Club on Saturday.
Been a long day, and am now going to knock off and grab what's left of an early night. Good night all.
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Lori Skoog said...

I love traveling with you two. Seems to me that you are very busy. What a beautiful country you live in.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Lori. Yes, we do keep pretty busy, and yes, it's a lovely country (well, most of it is) especially at this time of year.
Regards, Mike and Ann.