Wednesday 30 October 2019


Photo of  our present home, showing the two  (mid Tudor) chimneys.

The last rose(s)  of  summer.  The bungalow we're moving into couldn't have a more different  garden. This one is pure cottage garden. The new one is more of  a garden set in a forest clearing. That's not  really so, but gives a strong impression of being  just that.

Monday 28 October 2019


As promised -different views of the  bungalow we are purchasing- or rather  -
of the gardens of the new bungalow. It gives an impression of  woodland gardens  surrounding the bungalow.  I think I must find a book about  English woodland trees, and familiarise  meself with the  contents  thereof. 

Sunday 27 October 2019


We've been given the keys to the bungalow we are purchasing. This afternoon we had another look round and took photoes of the garden. About two or three owners ago the chap who lived there for a while was a dendrologist and filled the garden with trees. The above photo shows the bottom of the garden. As both Ruth and Ann have just gone up to  bed, I will try and put up  a few more snapshots of our new garden sometime tomorrow.

Goodnight All.

Saturday 26 October 2019


I bought this carved horse (probably of silver birch)  some years ago in Sweden  (Jemtland). He is  a Jemtland horse (same colour and shape as a Suffolk Punch, but about half the size - they were bred for pulling felled timber through the forests).   Ruth is  staying with us to the middle of next week, so I've just given her the horse to take home. 


Tuesday 22 October 2019

Tuesday (2)

Above photo  is  of  Ann and Sarah in  our kitchen.

Above is another photo of  the clock jack (Jack Horner), who I've been working on  for  a while. The bell is a nice early bronze one, of  the correct age and size (just possibly the original bell  ?).   I have got the case 'roughed out', but it  still needs a lot of work.  Will try and keep a bit better track of my progress on it now.


The above chap is the clock jack I've been working on  for  awhile. He's been kicking about my workshop in a fragmentary condition for some years, and I do a bit of work on him, when I've nothing  else to do.  As Sarah (God bless her) is spending the day with us I've got her to help me  put the computer to rights. I'm charging my camera at the mo - then, hopefully we'll take a few more  photies of Jack Horner (above) , and do a further blog entry,  So :- more later , we hope.

Tuesday 15 October 2019


A couple of years ago this fine medieval building a couple of miles outside Highdale was a derelict tumbledown barn in skeletal condition. It is now (as you can see) a handsome, fully restored, manor house/ farmhouse.  It's had a lot of time and money spent on it to restore it, and must have been   worth every penny of it.


Thank you for the note, Zoe - it will always be good to see both of you.


Carl - would it be possible to see a copy of the the photo you have of  Great Grandpa Horner?

          It's nearly eleven 0'clock pip Emma, so I'm off to bed.

          Goodnight every one.

Thursday 10 October 2019


Above two pictures are (of course) of Ann, about her housewifely duties. Yesterday two of our neices , Elizabeth and Rebeccah, came over and had lunch  with us.  It was lovely to see them. Ann gave them mushroom soup (with home made bread) followed by a peach  pavlova - a light lunch to drool over. I am reminded of that old (and very true  saying) that the way to an old man's heart is through his tummy. 

Spent this  morning working on a clock jack that I've been restoring  lately. It's been kicking about my workshop in a very fragmentary state for some  years. Once it's reasonably  complete I'll  probably  take its photograph for a blog entry. Don't think  I'll sell it  though. It will never be complete enough to be a particularly desirable collector's  item.  Might be a good advert though for my restoratory skills, but probably not as I've retired now (of course).  We've got two lovely early clockjacks in Suffolk  Churches - Southwold and Blythburgh.They've both  lost their clocks, but both are used to ring in the start of services (and are well worth a look at).  I suppose the  one I've been restoring ought to be known as 'Jack Horner'  ?

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Tuesday 2.

Upper picture shows Sarah and  I  holding the house  up.

I've shown you  this before. It's a snapshot of Ann's  English version of  a 'Nuremberg kitchen'.  needs 'enlarging'.


Took this  a  few days ago in the village of  Stowupland just outside Stowmarket. It's a  lovely  little cottage - best of  both worlds (past and present). Sorry I've not blogged lately. Senior  daughter Sarah's here at the moment, and is sorting out the computer (and meself   - I'm not good with the machine).