Sunday, 27 October 2019


We've been given the keys to the bungalow we are purchasing. This afternoon we had another look round and took photoes of the garden. About two or three owners ago the chap who lived there for a while was a dendrologist and filled the garden with trees. The above photo shows the bottom of the garden. As both Ruth and Ann have just gone up to  bed, I will try and put up  a few more snapshots of our new garden sometime tomorrow.

Goodnight All.


Crowbard said...

Hi Mike, will you be retaining your present telephone number and e-mail address? And will you send us your new address please.
Love you both, No Heavy Lifting when you move in.
Carl & Judy

Anonymous said...

Hello Carl. Sorry, meant to answer your query on the 'phone last night but forgot. Will keep my e-mail adddress (if I can); and will try and retain our present 'phone number. If we're going to have to change it, we will , of course, let you know the new one. Love to Judy and your girls.
Warm regards, Mike and Ann.