Thursday 3 August 2017

Still trying -  birds and flowers.


Spot the  frog.  Variant on  Mystery object.

At the moment  this is now  working. It is a Mystery Object!  Yes really. I you examine the photograph  closely you  should  be able  to tell me  what the  object's purpose is, where it was made, and  the exact year it was made.   Good luck.

This  picture (if we  can publish it) is probably irrelevant.
No I  was wrong. It is relevant. It is a mystery  object, and  I f you  look really closely at the photo you should   be able to work out the purpose of the item, it's  exact size and the year it was made.
Please ignore all what  I have wrote today. Because it was all  tosh and tarrardiddle.


My good  friend, the local computer expert, is with me  this morning, and we are making a determined effort to make this *0%43=7 computer machine return to its duties. Please respon
I have East Anglia's senior computer expert present  with me, and  we are making determined efforts to break back into my blog .  Pay  attention now!  This  is a Mystery object. If you concentrate  hard you should  be able  to  tell me exactly what this  is  -  general  knowledge and reasoning come into this. You should be  able  to tell my what this is for, what  it  is made of, and the  year it was made.  If you are not sure, then spuffle (a  Norfolk term).