Thursday, 31 December 2009

New Year's Eve.


The above photo is, of course, of both Ann and meself. We wish all our 'correspondents' a very happy, healthy, and prosperous new year, and new decade.
Our very best wishes to you all,
Ann and Mike.
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Maggie said...

Happy New Year to you and yours dear brother

Many Blessings,

Maggie, Mark & Emma

Lori Skoog said...

Thank you Ann and Mike. We wish you the same!

Crowbard said...

And a totally FanDibblyDoscious New Decade to you two and all your loved ones (which I hope includes myself.)

I went for a short stroll this morning just to check that my legs were still working (I'm happy to report that the assay was successful although demanding.)
Naturally I greeted all those I met (about 20 in total) with the traditional "Happy New Year" and received 100% positive response.
It occured to me later that had I not initiated the exchanges there would have been none whatsoever.
The responses I received varied from attitudes of flummoxed and flabberghasted "oh my gosh, what do I say to him." with a muttered "Same to you, thanks." to attitudes of warm and genuinely delighted astonishment accompanied with a jovial "Thank you, Happy New Year to you too!"
For a global society we are remarkably parochial in public - reticent to the non-social borders of becoming anti-social!
Please encourage your readers to reverse this introspective trend by bellowing hearty greetings to passers-by whatever the season.

Send £5 for membership of the Official Lunatic Fringe Social Reform Society.

Unknown said...

Carl, further to your comments on the reception of greetings, on Boxing day I wheeled Great Gran down to the Boxing day meet. As we waited outside the meadow where the meet took place (it would have been very heavy going with the wheelchair) well over a hundred people walked past us into the meadow. To every one of them Great Gran wished a very happy Christmas (in that very clear,precise, elderly, voice of hers), and every one reciprocated, some appeared a little surprised, but they all replied in the same spirit. Several 4X4s (Range Rovers, Landrovers, etc.) drove past us into the meadow, and to everyone Gran waved a gloved hand and gave them a smile, and, as far as I could see, every one replied in kind.
A year or so ago I was walking in the town when a young Suffolk man smiled and said good morning, I returned the greeting, then said "Have we met?" "I don't think so" he replied "But I believe in talking to people". I thought about this, and then said "Yes, I think you're right".
All this long comment is just to reassure you that not only do I agree with you, but to show that some of us are ahead of you.
Much love, your Bruv.

Crowbard said...

Bless you dearest ElderBruv, you will always be ahead of me - but only by 28 months.
Luv 'ickleBruv

'Pooter gives equakl as the v-word... I'm sure she is proposing equality for Kidbrats... Er... Kid Bruvs I mean!

DILLIGAF said...

What a lovely smile!!!!!!

Lucky dog...;-)

Unknown said...

Thank you 4Ds.

Unknown said...

P.s. Yes, I am.