Saturday, 26 December 2009

Christmas 1.


Around the table, Christmas lunch (which carried on till 6 p.m.). Taken by granddaughter Georgia. More later, when time permits (social calendar a bit hectic at present).
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Lori Skoog said...

I see some familiar faces in this photo. Hope you all had a grand time together! Happy New Year.

Unknown said...

Are having, Lori. Liz and co. went home this afternoon, Daughter Kerry spent the day with us, but has now gone home. Our son Jonathan and his lady, Jude, came in time for lunch, and are staying over night, and Sarah, Mikey, and three of their youngsters are coming in time for lunch tomorrow.
I'm sure you're having a good family Christmas, too ?
Regards, Mike and Ann.

DILLIGAF said...

You can't choose your family eh? and at Christmas time who'd want to?

Great pic of a great family I reckon.

No camera at the mo...:-( so can't reciprocate but we had a cracker too.