Thursday, 3 December 2009

Thursday 2.


Having forgotten my camera on Tuesday, here is what Ann had made for the main body of supper tonight. It consists of creamed potatoes with parsley, broccoli, creamed sweet potato (with a little nutmeg) and gammon in a pineapple salsa sauce. I had better admit now that I thought salsa was some sort of line dancing, but apparently it can also mean some sort of spicy food ??? Oh well, we lives and we learns. Goodnight all.

P.s. Should have added, that a very delicious, light supper it was, too. Again: Goodnight.
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DILLIGAF said...

Oh hell!!!

My planned diet can wait!

I've just dribbled over my keyboard....;-)

Beard???? Me???? Well I suppose it's an option. I am a big fan of Captain Haddock of Tintin fame.

There's a movie in 2011.

I've an awful feeling Professor Cuthbert Calculus is not involved.

This will be a great tragedy if it is correct.

I will now go and eat.

All because of your wonderful food!!!!

Crowbard said...

Thanks for the memories 4Ds. What WAS the name of Tin-Tin's little dog? I rarely saw a decent paper, but from The Mirror I took Professor Lumiere (Garth's source of scientific info and gizzmos) as my hero and Jane as my pin-up - with Pip, Squeak and Wilfred as my guides to philosophy and the esoteric.

Unknown said...

Thank you 4Ds. I'll pass your compliments on to the cook.
Crowbard, I think the name of the dog was Snowy (?).

Crowbard said...

I do believe you are Spot on with Snowy, Mike. Thank you. I dimly recall having forgotten Snowy's name previously, a decade or so back. Am I right in thinking it was yourself who reminded me then?

Interesting that you can remember forgetting things (like Tin-Tin's dog's name), but not recall what it was that you had forgotten(Snowy)!

Mulish things, brains! Dashed subconscious knows but won't share data with the conscious. I'm sure if my conscious and sub-conscious were to swap places with each other for a week or two they would be a lot more understanding of each others needs and cooperate in a more fraternal fashion.

Crowbard said...

Spooky - next v-word is 'mingl' which is what I would like the various functions of my brain to do (with an e on the end.
'Pooter is very sensible of my feelings - and somewhat avant garde about spelling.