Sunday, 3 January 2010

Sunday 1.


On Friday, Ann and I motored over to Sarah's, stayed over, and on Saturday afternoon ann took all the children, grandchildren, some of the childrens' partners, etc. to the pantomime. The above photo shows Ann, meself, our five children, our eleven grandchildren, etc., etc., outside Sarah and Mikey's, just about to set off to the theatre, where, I believe, a good time was had by all. The pantomime was Cinderella. Baron Hardup was played by Micky Rooney, who, I was surprised hear, is still alive. More later, perhaps.
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Lori Skoog said...

What a great family photo!

Unknown said...

Thank you Lori. To the right of the picture is Jonathan's partner, Jude, and in front her is her daughter, Tia. All the rest are our children and grandchildren.

Crowbard said...

You're right Lori, that is a photo of a great family!

Crowbard said...

Psalm 127 v. 5
'Makarios' indeed.

DILLIGAF said...

Always wanted a big family as mine was when I was young.

Still....on the plus side all mine were loonies so maybe a smaller sane family is ok...

Unknown said...

Whatever gave you that idea,4Ds? I'm the only totally normal and sane one among them. But, if and when you meet any of them don't tell them I said so. They're a pretty good lot, all told.