Sunday 18 November 2018


Photos of figs taken two days ago. Finally  forced photos of  figs (note alliteration) onto blog entry.


Rough said...

Beautiful Composition, that split one is making hungry for figs!

Mike said...

Thank you, Rough. Considering the time of year they were harvested, they were nice, tasty, sweet figs.

Z said...

We had a fantastic crop of figs this year, best ever by far. They're all finished now, though. I've got a lot of fig jam, spiced relish and compote made. Yours look lovely - your garden is very sheltered, perhaps that's why they've held on.

Crowbard said...

Dear Z,
I can recommend fig gin as an irresistible addition to your culinary practises.

Mike said...

Not tried that, Crowbard, thanks.

Dear Z. I think you're right about our garden. It is very sheltered, and I think that's why we got a few figs after we'd quite made up our minds that we'd have to wait until next year.