Saturday 10 November 2018


Autumn colours  at the  bottom of the garden. Taken earlier this week. Just got called upstairs for coffee.  Whilst drinking it I turned out a drawer in my  bureaux looking for a list I  made a while back.  I  didn't find  it, I'm afraid; but on the other  hand I DID find my Identity Card and Ration Book.  Can't think why I've  kept them so long, but there are some unused coupons in the ration book,  so in the event of   another war I should at least be able to claim some tea and sweeties, from my ration book??????

P.s. Although I  suppose the  price will  have gone up?


Rough said...

Probably best to hang on to them, you'll probably need them after March next year. Xxx

Mike said...

You could be right, Rough. So I've put them back.
Do you know, I had your uncle Crowbard's in the same drawer, but I think I sent them off to him when he reached an age of discretion ( his seventieth birthday, I think).

Mike said...

Ref ration book and identity card, see Blog Entry for Tuesday 13th November.