Monday, 31 May 2010

Monday 2.


On the twenty second of April last I spent a couple of hours as one of the models for a local photographers' club. I recorded the event on my blog of that date, and then promised that I'd post some of the resulting photoes when I'd seen them. This morning friends David and Judy called in, had coffee with me, and left a selection of the resultant photoes. Above is one of them. I think the photographer was being just a little ironic- the picture comes across like something sepia out of a late victorian family album. Generally though they're not bad and I was glad to have seen them. May show one of the modern, coloured ones later.
Cheers, Mike.
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Tim Clayton said...

Any one seen Nicklby?

Unknown said...

Hello Tim. I take it that the inference is that the photo looks like Smike, young Mr. Nickleby's travelling companion?
Our love to Sue and the family. Mike and Ann.