I was sorting through my pictures a few minutes ago. Couldn't find the one I was looking for (taken yesterday) but found this one, which is of your blogger and bloggeress (it would be obliging of you, at this point, to murmur - " You've neither of you changed a bit"- although not perhaps strictly accurate). It was taken, I think, by brother-in-law Tim, on King's Lynn Market Place, in about 1970 or 71, and is of only historic interest........ we (that is Ann and meself, Tim and Sue) were on our way to an evening out at King's Lynn Jazz Club.
Er, Neither of you have changed a bit.
Oh I say, how dashing and pretty (respectively) you both were (and still are).
Sir Bruin, and Z- Thank you. It is very reassuring to have friends who will perjure themselves on our behalf.
"Perjure", you say? I prefer to think of it as being inventive with the facts. May I also take this opportunity to wish you both the very best for the forthcoming new year? I feel that we should give thought to partaking of another farm shop breakfast together.
Excellent idea Sir B. Let's get the New year celebrations out of the way, then give us a ring, and we'll arrange that.
P.s. That reminds me :- I take the opportunity of wishing both you and Ursa-Minor a very happy New Year.
I was about to say that you look very dashing Mike, but Z beat me to it. I like Ann's dress - it's a shame that long dresses are out of fashion these days.
I LOVE old photos. One of these days I shall get around to scanning some and getting them onto my blog.
Happy New Year to you. x
Wonderful Pic! Looks very swinging sixties to me.
Don't recall the car Mike, was it a Van den Plas?
Probably Crowbard. It was just a car I leaned up against to have me photograph taken.
Hang on, Mike, are you denying that Ann both is and was pretty? And you cannot say that you didn't cut a dash - and still do.
Although I'd lie valiantly in a good cause, of course, not when it's unnecessary.
Hello Z. No, of course I'm not; just being English, and, naturally, modest (on both our behalfs - can I say 'behalfs'?) And, thank you, that is very reassuring (oh I've said that before - still I'm sure you know what I mean).
Cheers, Mike.
P.s. Z, you leave me not exactly covered in confusion, but slightly bespattered with the stuff. Still, confusion is a natural state at my age, and a very pleasant one too when confused by so pleasant a compliment.
Hope that's made things clearer, but fear otherwise - Mike.
'Behalves' would behave more in keeping with traditional English bonkers spelling, Mike, but it is such a rare usage in the plural that I think you'll get away with behalfs unless you publicly query the spelling yourself!
Thinking about the car, Mike, since you disown it, I suspect it may be a Toyota Crown, very forgiving of you to lean against a Jap car in such a pally manner so soon after the war... but it was their top model...
By the way, as your principal critic may I add that despite my perfect vision I can barely distinguish between the two photos despite the odd decade or five between 'em!
Hello Crowbard. Principal critic?? Senior one, if you will; but you forget that I have four daughters and a son (not that he is particularly critical of the old man). But the daughters all seem to think on occasion that their chief daughterly duty is to try and turn their progenitor into a decent responsible citizen, and the only possible response to this is to agree totally with them then get on with my life. Having said all of which (and on reflection I'm half inclined to delete much of the above - they sometimes read it) I must in fairness admit that Ruth has spent all her spare time over the last few days putting my computer back into decent order, and I'm very grateful to her. So there.
Hello Crowbard. Principal critic?? Senior one, if you will; but you forget that I have four daughters and a son (not that he is particularly critical of the old man). But the daughters all seem to think on occasion that their chief daughterly duty is to try and turn their progenitor into a decent responsible citizen, and the only possible response to this is to agree totally with them then get on with my life. Having said all of which (and on reflection I'm half inclined to delete much of the above - they sometimes read it) I must in fairness admit that Ruth has spent all her spare time over the last few days putting my computer back into decent order, and I'm very grateful to her. So there.
Ok, OK Mike, I humbly defer to your finer and better informed and much younger filial critics... and quietly admire/covet your appeasing but unrepentant response. Women are wonderful but they are compulsive soul-snatchers. Weddings may be avoided but the service (aisle, altar, hymn) is de riguer.
Crowbard, you have a problem with that?
Er.. Who.. Me? No, no Z, not in the least, honestly! My word! What a womanly woman you are... I've been overwhelmed and terrified with a few feminine key-strokes....
Crosses fingers and hopes it will all go away....
Now if I was my BigBruv I'd be thinking 'Gosh , think I got away with it that time... now what blokey things was I doing a moment ago?' but being me I'm wishing I could swap places with a rabbit in the headlights... GULP!!!
Dear Z,
may I take this opportunity to heartily endorse your first comment,
Mike was pretty dashing and still is and Ann was dashed pretty and grows prettier.
Pa - LOVE this particular photo of you both, always been a favourite.
Crowbard - care to dig yourself an even bigger hole and jump in it by explaining what you mean by compulsive soul- snatchers ???
Much love to you and yours
Crowbard. Now if it was my big bruv........ You cowardy custard. You leave me out of this. Trying to drop me back in it, are you? You sneaky ratfink. On second thoughts - United we stand, divided we fall. As Ann sometimes says, usually to me "If you're in a hole, stop digging". And as I frequently think- "Least said, soonest mended." D'accord ?????
Stig, I think that Crowbard simply meant that he is quite overwhelmed by all our wonderful qualities and defers to the women in his life at all times, to his immense benefit.
Hello Z. You are perfectly right. That is exactly what he/we meant. It runs in the family. We are all creeps as far as ladies are concerned.
Love, Mike.
Hi Mike, I'm sure you're absolutely right... regrettably I never did learn to take your dearly bought advice.
Hi Stiglet, Z has the right of it. Blokes in their innermost souls are getters-by and makers-do... It is only under the influence and direction of a good woman that we approach civility and social acceptability learning the motivational power of 'betterment'. This improvement comes at the price of surrendering our primitive little souls to your admonishments, giving up our spiritual and philosophical meditations in order to wash behind our ears, do the shopping, take the children to the zoo and take up regular payed employment. I'm sure it is a beneficial exchange and most blokes leap at the opportunity to be so improved... just occasionally the crushed and craven remnant of the blokish soul stirs in the dim male mind and whimpers a pointless peevish protest before recalling its newly learned manners and apologizing profusely.
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