Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Wednesday 2.


Yesterday evening (taken at about the same time of day as below photograph). Evening sun shining on an otherwise stormy sky. Taken (sorry about this 4Ds - but it really was) from our back bedroom window. Threatened storm didn't, in fact, take place, but I should imagine that nearby villages took the full force of it.
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Crowbard said...

Thank goodness for nearby villages!

Please convey our love and good wishes to Dorothy tomorrow upon making another full run after her first century.

With a straight bat and a following wind she could make another century before she gets a go at bowling!


DILLIGAF said...

From your back bedroom?...

I hate you...;-)

Nice kind of jealousy mind...;-)

Glorious springs to mind.

Am I in the wrong part of the country or just the wrong country?

Unknown said...

Hi Crowbard. Yes, 101 (not out), and not bad,either. I'll convey your love and congrats.
Cheers, Mike.
Hi, 4Ds. No, we're in very much the same country, and this is a very pretty part of it. Very quiet part, too. Not sure that you'd like the quiet bit???