Sunday, 15 November 2009



Just before we went to church this morning we had a 'phone call from a friend to warn us that we would be unable to park in our usual car parking space, owing to large areas of the churchyard being taped off as unsafe because further large areas of the church tower flint cladding had fallen off during the night. We usually walk to church, but this morning we had offered a lift to our senior choir member (who is 94), so we had to park in the market place and walk to church. Yesterday's wind and rain had indeed done further damage to our church tower. The bell ringers were not allowed into the tower to ring the bells. Our newish Dean told us that as he had walked the few yards from his Deanery to the church door this morning, more chunks of masonry had fallen from the tower. I think he now feels cautious about going near his new church in case it throws rocks at him!!!!!!!! The tower looked dreadful with large areas missing, scaffolding-clad, and even the scaffolding bent and damaged by this latest fall. Senior choir member said she'd seen the tower scaffolding-clad before, and it had all been put to rights then, thank God. This turned out to have been in 1928, only a few years after she'd first joined the choir !!!!!!!!
To more cheerful things - this afternoon two friends of ours came to us for a scrabble tea. Had two good games, then ajourned to the above tea table for refreshment. We had provided tea, smoked salmon and caper sandwiches, raspberry jam sandwiches (had my doubts about this nursery fare- but they were, in fact, delicious, and I did justice to them), apricot flapjack, and lemon drizzle cake. All of it made by Ann- no, in fact I made the tea (made it rather too strong,I'm afraid, but as I'd put the kettle back on, in case refills were needed, was able to remedy this defect). All in all, an excellent meal. Then back to the scrabble board for a further game, and our guests left just before seven, thanking us for 'a lovely afternoon'. I must say we'd enjoyed it quite as much as they had. Time to knock off now. I wish you all a good night.
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DILLIGAF said...

Lots of tasty happenings at Carol's church. Her mum is a Church Warden (Caz is a deputy). The other church warden has had a fling with a choirister who's hubby has thrown her out and he (the Church Warden) is currently 'missing'. His wifey has turned up but he still hasn't....

It's like Midsommer Murders around here right now!

I might even start going if it carries on like this!!!!...;-)

Unknown said...

Why don't you? Although it sounds as if Caz's Church already has problems enough...........
Still, it might help things on the 'counter irritation principal'.