Meself getting aquainted with the newest member of our (now very extended) tribe. He is Ann's sister in law Sue's great nephew, Harry. That, being one of my names, gave us an immediate bond and subject of conversation between us. We got on like two mattelots on shore leave, until I was eventually relieved of him (or vice versa) by his grandmother Caroline (Sue's sister). I do like young babies (and usually vice versa). My grandfather Horner (yet another Harry) had a deep male voice, and said that this had such a soothing effect on young babies, that he could usually sing them to sleep. This still seems to work.
No need to soothe young Harry, Mike. The little blighter is too busy trying to half-inch your gold watch with his (typically for our family) prehensile toes!
What a smooth operator he will become!
Welcome to the family Harry, and much health and success to you throughout your forthcoming adventures.
Love GUC(twice removed?)
What a great photo Mike. You look very comfortable holding Harry!
Hi Crowbard. Yes, I hadn't noticed the detail of what his right foot was up to. What an accomplished little dip.
Hi Lori. Ann took the photo, and yes, owing to lots of practice with babies I was very comfortable with him, and he, I hope, with me. Warm regards to you both, Mike.
P.s. I have eleven grandchildren, you see.
P.s. Sorry, his left foot. Can't see his right one.
How clever of Harry to dip with the left foot - makes you wonder why his right foot was out of shot! - have you counted your small change and checked your wallet? Its been a long time since we had an accomplished quadrikleptic in the family - I always liked to keep one foot on the ground for a speedy get-away!
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