Sunday, 30 August 2009

Sunday 3


Photo of the interior of the Church. It shows what I was saying yesterday about the oak pews, now with nice comfortable backs to them - what luxury!
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Crowbard said...

I suppose they'll look alright for colour in another 500 years, but wouldn't you have thought someone would have been sensitive enough to finish them with an adze to match the existing work instead of running them through an industrial planer. Even 500 years of modern neglect, vandalism and insensitivity won't batter them into the original finish.
There must be a couple of dozen old boys with sharpened adzes in the shed and nothing useful to do with them would have been glad to do it for love, respect and beer-money!

'pooter is telling me to calm down! It's left the 'h' out but you can see it means choler not coler.

Unknown said...

I think the church looked better when the pews were just benches and didn't have backs. The whole place was an incredible survival then, and any change detracts from its rare originality. But I don't have to worship there in discomfort, I suppose.