Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Tuesday 2.

P.s. This is the church I was talking about.
Also reopened this blog entry to say I've just had an email from our friends Sue and David who live on the far side of our town, and they tell me that they've now got a crab apple tree in blossom!!!! This year has had the daftest weather. It's starting to confuse the crab apples.
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Tim Clayton said...

Are they all at the same hight around the tower?
They appear to be either just below or just above window level also are they at regular spaces vertically ?.

Tim Clayton said...

Are they all at the same hight around the tower?
They appear to be either just below or just above window level also are they at regular spaces vertically ?.

Unknown said...

Hello Tim. The lowere stone ones, starting from about six foot up, are not very regular at all. The brick ones nearer the top of the tower are rather more regularly placed, both tangentally (? not sure about that word) and vertically. I think the windows are rather later additions to the tower (probably 14th/15th century additions) than the 'inclusions' we're discussing, so I think the position of the windows in relation to the 'inclusions' is coincidental.

Crowbard said...

Tangentially is fine Mike although used more of things like cables going by a cylyndrical object and (tango, tangere)touching it, radially is the adjective more commonly applied to things around the girth of cylindrical structures.

Unknown said...

Thank you Crowbard. Radially is the better word.