Thursday, 28 April 2011

Thursday 2.

This photo was taken yesterday in front of the London Wall, and shows Tuva, Freja, the Emporer Trajan, and Granny Ann.

When I was a young man (well, alright then, a younger man), and explored the Tower of London, this small armour was described as having been made for  Queen Henrietta Maria's dwarf, Jeffrey Hudson. The experts have now changed their collective minds and say that it was made for a three year old boy. How nice that, even in the sixteenth century, our moneyed classes were so protective of their young.
As you can see I had to aim my camera over the shoulder of a young lady, and this reminds me of another incident in the White Tower yesterday that rather pleased me (and amused daughter Ruth) :- I stood aside to allow a file of French Schoolgirls (mid teens and in a two by two 'crocodile') to go past. One of them looked at my whiskers and said something in french to her companion, who glanced up at the hirsute adornment, giggled, and said "Ooh La La !".
I've always wanted to hear someone say Ooh La La!

Good night All.
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Crowbard said...

I'll never understand women Mike! There's that Trajan bloke in a skirt who's best known on account of his column, just crawling with beautiful dames. Then there's yourself, a much younger bloke than Trajan, disguised as a whiskery old boy of gentlemanly manners getting "Ooh La Las" from bevvies of preppy french demoiselles. Can you give me a few pointers, please? All I get is the odd boy-scout helping me across roads that I had no intention of crossing!

Unknown said...

Hi Carl. No, I don't understand it, either- I mean you're younger than either Trajan or me.
However - tips:- first of all carry a stick to beat off the boy scouts so that you can cross whatever roads you wish - unimpeded. Second, grow decent whiskers (to impress French teenagers, although I've forgotten why we should wish to impress......). Third, grow a beard because, A. It saves so much time shaving in the morning, and B. It disguises any number of incipient chins.
But seriously, having reached our age I'm sure we know instinctively what styles suit us best. In fact anyone who's lived to their mid thirties should forget about fashion and know by then what their own style is, and stick to it.
Much love, Mike.

Crowbard said...

Thanks Mike,
I hadn't realised you'd reached your mid-thirties or I would have sought your guiding wisdom earlier. Weren't you 26 the last time I inquired?
Unfortunately my style of 'choice' has perforce been mostly Charity Shop Grot-Bag! It didn't even appeal to followers of the transient 'Grunge' movement. Anyway, I don't get about much these days and the neighbours seem to have a very charitable attitude towards my trampish appearance and monastic habits.