Monday, 4 April 2011


I must just refer to yesterday's blog, which concentrated exclusively on the wedding of the year (in Suffolk, anyway). One fact which I had failed to record was the abundance of wedding hats. Wendy, the bride had expressed a wish that the lady guests wear hats. This wish was accorded a huge and positive response. I don't remember seeing such a sea of colourful and festive hats. Ann wore a cream, finely woven straw hat with a white satin bow (I'm told). About twenty or so of the guests (all women, I'm glad to say) wore a spray of colourful feathers/flowers fastened to the side of their head (presumably with hair grips). I queried the first one of these I saw with Ann, who informed me that they are called 'fascinators'. After this I was able to compliment lots of my female aquaintance on their fascinators with confidence. I think they were all surprised that I knew the term; although I do vaguely remember it from the dim and distant. It's a pretty idea, and I'm glad it's being brought back into fashion. Spent today in my workshop getting things ready for Long Melford. Feel as if I spent about half of it on the blower to Crowbard trying to pacify Picasa's reluctance to accept photoes - without success; but thank you anyway for your time and expertise, Crowbard. Whilst down in Devon last week I bought, among other goodies, a nice wooden Black Forest clock, of about 1840, which I've also been playing with today. Glad to report it's now going nicely and keeping reasonable time. Must go and get on with a bit more work now. So will bid you- an early- Goodnight.


Crowbard said...

Lovely though your photos are, your textual bloggifications are perfectly fascinating without them. I do hope, however, that Picassa recovers from its grievous spat momently, so we may all be able to oggle 'les chapeaux' of which you write.

Crowbard said...

Hi Mike, now you've recovered your pics from Picassa's clutches, why not blog them the old fashioned way by browsing 'My Pictures' from Blogger? Give us a bell if you want to do a 'talk through'.

Unknown said...

Hello Crowbard. Thank you, certainly will do -probably tomorrow morning.
But I fear you will be disappointed about the chapeaux. Didn't take my camera along to the wedding.

Unknown said...

P.s. Probably late morning - got to go and examine a french clock in the morning.

Crowbard said...

J'espere que la cloche Francais comprend l'Anglais!
A bientot mon ami!

Unknown said...

It's going to understand Anglo-Saxon by the time I've done with it.