Herewith, as promised, bedraggled granddaughter Freja, on balcony after the worst of the storm. I do remember her mother (and her mother's sisters) rushing out and dancing on the side lawn at Welney in the middle of a torrential downpoor one summer ('78, I think). Strange tastes the females of my family have. Still, just as well from my point of view - Ann might not have fancied me otherwise (?)
On which thought - Goodnight all.
I wonder if that was the time I stayed at Welney House and lost my fear of thunderstorms? I can remember Ann saying lets watch the lightening from the window. Up until then I had always been afraid but then realised how beautiful they could be.
Looks like you are having a wonderful time in Sweden, enjoy yourselves. Much love to Ruthie and family x Maggie
Hi Maggie. Yes, I should think it probably was, although the girls, when in their early/mid teens had a habit of rushing out into the rain and dancing (that big side lawn was very private). Yes, we're having a lovely time, but nearing the end of our stay. We've crammed a lot into it. Everyone sends their love to you both.
Love, Mike and Ann.
We ashed our hair in that storm ! rain water is very good for the barnet ! I can also remember standing in the porch at the house in Hoxne with you both and watching a storm very late at night, it is something I now encourage my children to get out of bed to witness - great memories !!
I don't remember you being struck on the head by lightening, but I guess your hair would be ashed :p
Talk about a bad hair day :)
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