Thursday, 8 July 2010


Today has been a lovely day. We got up at six a.m. and caught a train at the local station that went to Trondheim in Norway, and took four hours about it. The five of us (MOTH decided to stay at home) had a very pleasant rail journey. The train guard was an ex-art student of Ruth's. A young woman now in her twenties, who knew, and enjoyed, her job. The lower picture is a snap I took from the train to show that even in July there is snow in Sweden. The middle picture shows Freja under a huge sign saying Freja that was on top of a restaurant. Freja thought that with her name on top of a restaurant it should be a good place to eat. Wasn't absolutely sure of the rationale of this, but as it turned out she was absolutely right. Won't go into details, because, as daughter Stig is on a diet it might be painful for her. The top photo is of your blogger outside Trondheim Cathedral. Caught return train, further four hours, same lady guard. Played cards and the journey sped by. Home around eight thirty p.m. Had scrambled eggs ; am now very tired and being summoned to bed. More soon. Mike.


Crowbard said...

I do believe you've caught the sun a bit Mike, you make a superb chromal contrast to the verdigris on the rooves above ye!

I think it very clever marketing to lure young, innocent clients into establishments by displaying the names of the impressionable upon impressive signs!

I wish you all jolly fun on your holiday and success in your business ventures.

Huge hugs to all and deepest (or do I mean highest?) respects to the Master Of The House.

Unknown said...

Hi Carl, no more than I usually catch the sun at this time of year, although, just having had a benign skin cancer removed, I must be a little more careful, I suppose-boring- I do enjoy sunshine.
I don't mind being lured into establishments by whatever means as long as they give value for money -which Freia did.
Our love to you both, Ann and Mike.
P.s. How's young Jess, etc. doing ?

Crowbard said...

Young jess is fine thanks, and Etc. is kicking for England and doing acrobatics with vigour and aplomb (although I cannot guess how she got a plomb in there! ... clearly not a case of penduli plumbum! )