Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Wednesday 2.

There are a good many fords along the lower lying of our Suffolk lanes, but we hadn't come across this one before. Fortunately we weren't going fast, because we were round the corner and into it. Ann parked in the first gateway, and I walked back and took this photo.
Been working in the workshop the rest of the day (bar a short post prandial zizz), getting the Scandinavian antiques ready for display. I think I'm going to put another hour in, then declare bedtime. In the meantime, I'll bid you all a very goodnight.
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DILLIGAF said...

Hello old bean...I could do with somewhere quiet and peaceful for a while!

Working 8 hours + 7 days a week so no time to get around blogland.

Hopefully it'll settle down in a few weeks and I'll be a regular again.

Meantime you take care and hope to see you again soon.


Unknown said...

Hi, Forde-Innes. Good to hear from you. Understand how busy you are -which has to be a good thing. Priorities, of course, but all work and no play .............
Regards to Caz.
Cheers, Mike and Ann.

Lori Skoog said...

OK Mike...I'll bite. What's a prandial zizz?????

Unknown said...

Hello Lori. Slightly old fashioned slang.Post prandial - after lunch- zizz is a nap, a short sleep- onomatopeic from the zizzing sound we're said to make when asleep. Good to hear from you,
Cheers, Mike.