Monday, 19 April 2010

Monday 2.


And the 'After' picture of the same clock. Still need to clean, polish, and do a few minor repairs to the case, and then it will be fit for another fifty years or so, before anything else major needs to be done (in all probability). And by that time it won't be me doing it. According to the repair marks on the back of the dial this is the third major overhaul it has had, and the last one was in 1876. Working with old clocks gives us a pretty fair idea of our own mortality. Good night all.
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DILLIGAF said...

Now that is what I call a clock!!!! Beeeeeautiful!!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you 4Ds. All's done on it now; it's been running for the last two days, but it's gaining rather, so I shall probably have to lengthen the pendulum now.
Cheers, mike.