Thanks Mike! That is astonishingly neat work and clever design. I've not seen that style of bowl/handle connexion before.
It might almost be a single casting.... ??
Dear Carl. Ref your last question. The answer is that I don't know. I think, though, that it was made in two pieces, then silver ( ? ) soldered together. However, I can see no trace of a seam. It is a very well made artifact.
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Thanks Mike! That is astonishingly neat work and clever design. I've not seen that style of bowl/handle connexion before.
It might almost be a single casting.... ??
Dear Carl. Ref your last question. The answer is that I don't know. I think, though, that it was made in two pieces, then silver ( ? ) soldered together. However, I can see no trace of a seam. It is a very well made artifact.
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