Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Tuesday 2.


It reads as if Phillip Tylney (the last of his line) was, by 1598, a very lonely old man.
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Lori Skoog said...


DILLIGAF said...

Ah! But it looks like he may have had a bob or two. I bet even in 1598 there were a few 'gold diggers' to amuse him..;-)

Unknown said...

Hi Lori.
Hello 4Ds, yes I think they've always been about. But it's a very small village even now. About two farmhouses and four or five cottages, so I can't think there'd have been much 'talent' about four centuries ago. Besides which, if you look at the effigy of Dame Margrett (his mother)on top of the tomb, It looks to me as if they might have been early Puritans. And anyway, reading the inscription, he just doesn't sound the type. Or am I being very innocent ???