Sunday, 14 March 2010

Mike & Ann are survivors

Mike & Ann are survivors but their pooter is on the hit list awaiting replacement parts. If it doesn't pull itself together quickly I would not want to be in its shoes!


Unknown said...

You wouldn't believe how poorly they are from these pics. Mike still having post-op repercussions and both of them coughing and wheezing like Billy-oh!
They got here for the weekend though - grand company.
The Kid Bro.

Lori Skoog said...

OK Mike...what are you really trying to say here? How ARE you? Improving after the you both really have colds? What is going on over there????

DILLIGAF said...

You two take it easy!!!

As for mis behaving pc's....

I generally use a hammer. It still works...a bit dented perhaps...;-)

I did once threaten it with flight from the boxroom window and, miraculously, it started to work again.

I'm NOT odd!!! It's my pc that's odd!!!...;-)

Anyroad. Get well soon both of you!!!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Unknown said...

Bless you Hapi, drop in anytime, it may be a few more days before Mike's computer is back on line, but I'm sure he will be blogging away like Billy-oh shortly.

Hi Lori,
Mike got some sort of post-operative kidney infection - very painful initially but the anti-biotics seem to have things all cleared up, Annie's asthma is particularly active at present, probably due to all the worry, concern and effort expended on Mike's state of ill-health; and Mike has a bit of a chesty winter cough(despite the anti-biotics).

Hi 4Ds,
thanks for the kind thoughts, I wonder if the hammer and defenestration treatment wouldn't do all three of them some good? I don't think I would care to suggest it... except perhaps for the computer! - can't imagine anyone thinking of you as odd old bean - you're almost as normal as Mike!

They made the journey to Leicester for the weekend despite their ills and appeared rested and refreshed when they left. Maybe they should have brought the computer - the change of scenery might have cheered it up too.

Blessings and kindly thoughts - KidBruvCrowbard.