Welcome back to the virtuous... or at least virtual community. How did the extraction go?.. Fairly painless and straightforward, I hope? It is a sad old world that gives clever little misfits the joy of mucking about with the lives of complete strangers with no comprehension of the grief and distress they cause in lives that have too much of both already. Happily once your first virus is dealt with, you realise that they are not the end of computing as we know it; merely a transient irritation that is swiftly dealt with by a wider, wiser and more caring virtual community. Almost worth the trauma to find the strength of the supporting community at large.
Congratulations Dear Chap.
Welcome back to the virtuous... or at least virtual community.
How did the extraction go?..
Fairly painless and straightforward, I hope?
It is a sad old world that gives clever little misfits the joy of mucking about with the lives of complete strangers with no comprehension of the grief and distress they cause in lives that have too much of both already.
Happily once your first virus is dealt with, you realise that they are not the end of computing as we know it; merely a transient irritation that is swiftly dealt with by a wider, wiser and more caring virtual community.
Almost worth the trauma to find the strength of the supporting community at large.
It's working?
No worries old bean.
Viruses ain't what they once were...er..was...er..whatever...;-)
Helllloooooooo out there. It's working.
Not quite sorted-out yet???
Concerned of Leicester!
v-word is deadag...
as in dead aggravating!c
It looks like it's working to me - try a photo to make sure :-)
Amy xx
It's working :)
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