Thursday, 9 July 2009


Snapshot of grandson Matthew in the farm shop.
Today has been a very busy but oddly relaxing day, spent mainly in the workshop, with Matt doing most of the heavy work, Ann providing the ideas, and me largely directing operations. We have completely cleared (it needed doing !!) and now rearranged, two thirds of my cellar. Good game of scrabble this evening, which Matt won very convincingly. I plan to take him to our scrabble club on Saturday afternoon, and spring him on some of our better players there, some of whom are absolutely vicious (as players, I mean). Most of these are thinly disguised as elderly English gentlewomen, and I think young Matthew will do them a power of good! Got a fairly heavy day (socially) tomorrow, so I'm going to knock off now. Good night and God bless you all.
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Lori Skoog said...


Unknown said...

Hi Lori. Yes; but reading your blog I think the four of us must be out of the same mould.
Regards, Mike and Ann.