Saturday, 25 July 2009

Still Saturday.


Photo is of a bit of our own garden.

Haven't played the Diss game lately:- A Norfolk town that is a bit smelly so its neighbours stay away from it?????
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Lori Skoog said...

OK Mike, you know.....what is the Diss game?

Unknown said...

It's a word game for playing in the car. It was invented by Nea and meself about twenty years ago,when we were in Diss (in Norfolk and saw the office of a company that called itself (quite seriously) Diss Services, which struck us as funny. Examples:- 'What is the name of a not very successful firm in Norfolk that provides soft furnishings, cushions,etc ? answer - Diss Comforts'. 'What is the name of the Diss footbal team that never quite got the hang of the team spirit ?' 'Diss United'. I'll publish the answer to today's Diss game in a day or two, but probably Crowbard or Nea will have worked it out by then.
Regards, Mike.

Unknown said...

P.s. It's a famiy game that we played quite a bit when I first started blogging, to which it lends itself quite well.

Nea said...

Is it a windy place too?

Because that would make it "Disgusting".

Or it could just be Yarmouth...that was a bit smelly when I was there :) says Poo!

Unknown said...

No. I think I'll reword it slightly:- A town in Norfolk that is so smelly that its neighbours remain separate from it.

Crowbard said...

Diss-stink-shun, perhaps? although I greatly admired Nea's Diss-gusting answer.

Crowbard said...

Is it true that the Tourist Information Office at Diss is more casually known as Diss-information?

If they had a port it would be called Diss-embark!

Unknown said...

Near enough Crowbard, although the correct answer is DISTINCT (separate) (Diss stinked). Knew you'd be able to work it out.
Regards, Mike.

The Preacherman said...

Could I borrow your garden? I appear to have temporarily misplaced mine....

Crowbard said...

Always happy to make a contribution of DISTINCTION Mike!

v-word = jochi
which is a very jokey way of spelling it!

Unknown said...

Hi, P'man. How have you managed to misplace (however temporarily) a garden? I can feel my imagination beginning to boggle!!!!