Saturday, 25 July 2009


Our friend David 'phoned yesterday to say they've got a glut of courgettes, marrows, etc., and would we drink coffee with them this morning and collect some courgettes, etc? Photo is of Ann outside their home with Sue and Cocoa. Sat on their lawn in dappled shade of a crab apple tree, drank coffee and caught up on all the topical news of the day (i.e. local news of friends and aquaintances, and generally what's been happening in the town- important stuff). Their garden is long, very well stocked, and quiet; and they really are the best gardeners I know. Not only flowers, but shrubs, fruit trees, and at the far end of the garden is a small wicket gate giving onto another large area, of vegetable garden and a big fruit cage. David not only grows fruit, he makes it into jams and preserves, which are very saught-after in our area. It used to be quite a little business enterprise, but he has cut back a bit this last year or so. It's still very popular stuff locally, though. More pictures of their garden coming up, (I hope).
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Lori Skoog said...

Love the dog....the gardens look fabulous! I'd like some of that jam right now!

Unknown said...

She's a cross between a shitzu and a poodle, and there isn't a polite way of joining those two names!(a shoodle perhaps ?) But she is a very intelligent and affectionate dog. When Cocoa was a puppy, and one of my granddaughters was about three and afraid of dogs, twenty minutes aquaintance with Cocoa cured her completely. You'd love David's jam but I'm afraid the postage would be prohibitive.
Cheers, Mike.