Friday, 20 March 2009


Snapshot of our Church spire. The bell hanging above the clock dial, and on which the clock strikes the hours ( it is known as the 'sanctus' bell) was cast in about 1280 and is said to be one of the oldest church bells in the country. It is known to have hung in its present position above the clock since at least 1584. I haven't seen the clock movement, but from its description I think it must be a good deal later, probably 19th century.
Ann, and two friends, Brenda and Judy (I think of the three of them as the female version of The Last of the Summer Wine), have gone off to Norwich for the day. I've been pottering about the garden and workshop all day, and have got a satisfying amount of work done. Cup of tea time. More later perhaps.
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Crowbard said...

That bell story is appealing but the only thing I can recall from 1280 was on July 27th when Sogen Mugaku, founder of the Engakuji temple arrived in Japan from China. - While here at home in England the two hundred and fourteenth consignment of Beaujolais Nouveau was foisted off on we Saxons by the Norman conquerors again - and it was still awful.

Lori Skoog said...

You have such history over there!

Crowbard said...

Bless you Lori, every bit of the good old Earth has just as long a History - it's just that more and different things happened in some places than in others. While some events got remembered and recorded in Europe and the far East, wiser Southern and Western tribes maintained a stoic silence against the rest of the world's peoples.

Nea said...

The bell in our bell tower is from the early 1200's, but the church and tower are much later than yours, late 16- and 1700s. That's our country parish, not the town ones which are 18- and 1900s.

I'll try and post a picture later.

Lori Skoog said...

Mike...our home was built in 1853.

Unknown said...

Thank you Lori. That's a nice period, when things were still restrained and well proportioned generally. By about 1880 they had become thoroughly florid and over the top.
Regards. Mike.