Both these are photographs of the same item - a Mystery Object, made mainly of brass. Please give the object's purpose, rough date and location of manufacture.
Dear Ruth. Please tell Tuva that she is right in almost all respects. The correct term for it would be a pocket tinder box - this next is a matter of opinion :- I think it is probably English, and made a few years eithear side of the year 1800.
Tuva says it's a fire starting kit, from possibly somewhere in Scandinavia in the 1700s?
Dear Ruth. Please tell Tuva that she is right in almost all respects. The correct term for it would be a pocket tinder box - this next is a matter of opinion :- I think it is probably English, and made a few years eithear side of the year 1800.
Pleased she has inherited some of her Grandpapa's sense of style and period and an interest in historical items :)
As the burglar said when waving his bag of swag "Abso LOOT ly".
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