Friday, 25 January 2019


Couple of quick snaps to demonstrate how well  the old and new can blend. After  twenty five years or so without a TV we bought the above one about a year ago and put it in front of the sitting room fireplace. After  a few months  our friend Sue (who helps Ann about the house) said to me "Mike, that television set spoils the look of your lovely old fireplace. You're not  going to leave it there, are you?"
So I asked her where we should put the new telly, and she said to leave it with her, and she'd give it some thought. The next time I wandered through, I found she'd moved the above carved oak chest from it's previous place in a window bay, and put the new machine on top of it.  It proved, as I said a few lines back, how well the old and the new can blend. A few years ago we lived next door to Sue and  Chris  for about a year, and we've never lost touch with them.  Sue, as you  can see, has excellent taste.


Paul said...

I may be a little dense but the position of the television seems the same in both pictures.

Mike said...

Dear Paul. Well spotted - the position of the television is the same in both pictures; But the second picture was taken a bit nearer to the television, to give rather better detail. As to your first enquiry (as to how dense you are) I'm afraid I do not know you well enough to give an informed answer to this enquiry (and the loss is, of course, mine) although my impression is that you are not dense at all, as I always enjoy your enquiries. I do hope this reassures you.

Mike said...
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Paul said...

Now I get it. There's no "before " picture, just two "after" pictures taken from different perspectives. Well that's all cleared up.