Thursday, 29 November 2012


Just had a very busy two days. On Tuesday morning at nine a.m. we set off and motored to London. Drove to youngest daughter Lizzie's home, parked the car in her spare parking space, grabbed a sandwich and coffee, then underground trained and taxied to Bonham's auction rooms in Knightsbridge, where we viewed the Arms and Armour auction. Taxied and tubed back to Lizzies, where Ann, with the assistance of granddaughter Beth, prepared the evening meal (a lasagna) that Liz had left ready for us. I took a short walk to Chiswick High street, where I purchased some roses for Lizzie, and some pudding for all of us. Back to Lizzie's where I opened the bottle of wine that I'd brought with us (and popped into the fridge when we arrived). When the rest got in (grandchildren Georgie and Matthew, and, a little later, Lizzie) got home we ate, and a very pleasant, relaxed meal it was. Crashed out a bit before ten, and we both slept well.

The following morning  (Wednesday) Ann and I took a number  27 'bus to The Arms and Armour section of Sotheby's who have an auction taking place next week. It wasn't really open for viewing, but I'd 'phoned Thomas (their Arms and Armour bloke- and an old friend) on Monday, and he was as obliging as he invariably is and suggested that we pop in for a quick private viewing. Well worth it, too, and we left a few bids on some interesting lots. It saved me a trip to London next week. Then by taxi back to Bonham's, where I was nicely in time to bid for the few lots I was interested in during the morning sale. Successfully for two of them. Granddaughter  Laura turned up, as arranged at about twelve thirty and, when the morning part of the sale finished we adjourned to a pub just up from Bonham's where I bought us lunch. Should explain that Laura has just moved to London, starts her new job next week, and is exploring London in the meantime, and thoroughly enjoying it. The above photo is of Ann and Laura in said pub.  After lunch Ann and Laura pottered off to explore the shops in Knightsbridge (mainly Harrod's I think). I went back into Bonham's for the afternoon session of the sale, and purchased three more lots. It was for me, in some ways, the ideal sale- of the five lots I purchased three are ready (after a quick clean and brush up) for resale, one needs a bit more research doing on it, and some tidying up, and the other one is a badly restored but interesting miquelet flintlock pistol which will keep me busy doing some acceptable re-restoration during some of the coming winter evenings.

Ann and Laura rejoined me at about four o'clock, and we  paid for, collected, and wrapped  the goodies, before Laura left to return to her flat. We treated ourselves to a taxi back to Lizzie's, where Ann (again with Beth's assistance) prepared one of her famous (well  famous in our family anyway!!) fish pies. We eventually hit the road home just after seven, had a good, clear run, and got home just after nine - and slept like logs.

I've spent a busy  morning not doing much in the workshop, and Ann has just called down the cellar steps that she thinks an afternoon nap would be no bad thing. Quite agree so just off to join her. 'Bye.

The following morning


Rog said...

You didn't have to board a No 27 bus carrying broadswords and muskets did you? It may have provoked some funny looks....

Unknown said...

Hello Rog. That's why we treated ourselves to a taxi back to Liz's. We find cab drivers are so much more broad minded about these things than either 'bus drivers or indeed anyone who works for the Underground Railway.

PixieMum said...

Oh dear. How we wish we had known you were so near to us as we are having problems with our other clock, not the one you repaired that is going beautifully, keeping good time and behaving itself.

It is the German clock in our dining room, it just doesn't want to go. Chimes work, but after setting it at the right time it stops working after a couple of minutes.

Appreciate that you would not wish to advertise your future travels here so I will email in a few days time.


Lori Skoog said...

As usual, no grass is growing under your feet! Busy busy busy.

Unknown said...

Hello P.M. I'm afraid it will probably be April before we head down to London again. I'll try and remember to give you a ring before we do. I think the clock's movement will probably only need a good clean - so if you find anyone in your area who can do a good job in the meantime, please do.
Good to hear from you,
Warm regards, Mike and Ann.

Unknown said...

Hi Lori. Well, like you, we find being busy keeps us active. We wish you both (and your family) a thoroughly good Christmas.