Sunday, 25 November 2012

Sunday 3.

Just practising to make sure that I can manage to reduce the number of pixels (?)  required in the photoes for the machine to accept it. Took this photo of Ipswich Docks last July.


Sir Bruin said...

Nice picture, sir. I can't count the pixels, so I don't know if your practice was succesful or not.

Unknown said...

Hello Steve. Took me three goes at spelling pixels before the machine accepted it. Glad to have your confirmation of its spelling.

Sir Bruin said...

It's always possible that we are both wrong. Unlikely, I know.

Crowbard said...

Whilst I bemoan the ravages of an uncouth hoard of semi-literate linguaphobes mangling our noble language's heritage, I must also accept that this is one of the driving forces of language development and evolution. 'Pixels' is one of the more heartening creations of modern times, arising from a deliberate contraction of the two words 'picture cells'; not in itself entirely inelegant but in an age where acronyms become the norm with few folk knowing or caring to know of what they are abbreviations, brevity is the only way to prevent total loss of traceability to semantic source. For me 'pixels' epitomizes the highest quality of abbreviation with perceptibility of origin for the thumb-twiddling textators of micro-speak... lol... innit?

Pat said...

Goodness knows how one controls the pixies. I seem to have come to some working conpromise with Picasa but I never really understnd what exactly is happening,.