Saturday, 24 November 2012


I'm sorry that I've not been sending blog entries of late. The problem is that the machinery has started refusing to store photographs since last Wednesday. I seem to have persuaded it to publish the above photo, but it is now sulking again and refusing to cough up any more photos. Nea is busy working on the problem, so fingers crossed pro tem. More later hopefully.


Nea said...

what a pretty cottage.

Rog said...

Just watching BBC4 programme about the armour in Menflesham Church! You would be v interested Mike!

Unknown said...

Hello Rog. Yes, it was put together when the Spanish were chucking their weight about, and the Armada looked imminent. I spent a very happy couple of hours there a year or so ago with one of the churchwardens examining the stuff. Some of the armour dates back to the very early 1500s. There are several powder flasks of late 1500s and the latest piece is a musket barrel that dates from our Civil War (about 1640). The whole room is very secure - well from the standards of the 1580s it is. It is, as far as I know, the only surviving English armoury of its period in a Church. Well worth a look, but an appointment has to be made.