Friday, 10 February 2012


Walking home from Cafe Church this morning, when I stopped and looked at the United Reform Church, the roof of which was still covered in last weekend's snow, except for an area at the very apex of the roof where the snow had melted leaving an area of slate visible. As I looked, a friend of mine joined me.
"what are you looking at Mike?" he asked.
"Hello, John" I said, "You're a scientific sort of a chap, so why is there a patch of melted snow at the point of the roof there? Is it something to do with poor insulation?"
"Well," says John "Hot air always rises....  Oh yes, I can see the answer.  That area's right over the pulpit."

I must tell Jim ( the United Reform Church Minister) when I see him........ or then again, perhaps not.

1 comment:

Crowbard said...

Demonstrates the advantage of being a Pagan High-Priest: we don't have rooves in the green-wood to give us away in cold weather however much hot-air we emit!