Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Up at 6.15 a.m. and to early service at 7.30.. Breakfast in Church, then unloaded some books we'd collected yesterday for the book stall. Walked round to Post Office sorting office and picked up a parcel; a small copper tinder box - needs a good deal doing to it. Above photo is of part of our garden, where, as it's a nice, sunny but fresh  August day, we had lunch.  As you can see, it's still showing a good deal of colour.

This afternoon Eileen and Hilary came to us for a scrabble tea. Played two games of scrabble first, then had tea. We gave them ham sandwiches (with a little mustard). Ann had baked some scones, served still warm with butter and raspberry jam. Then Ann's fruit cake, followed by apple and plum fool made with some of Brenda's Victoria plums. Back to drawing room for a third game of scrabble. Lovely afternoon, enjoyed by all.
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Rog said...

Scrabble Tea sound a good idea. You could have had
Ham & Letters Sandwiches.

Unknown said...

A pun my word Rog!!!!!!!

Lori Skoog said...

Your gardens are beautiful and you two have been social butterflies.

Sir Bruin said...

Or scrabbled eggs, perhaps?

Unknown said...

On behalf of our garden Lori - Thank you. And on behalf of ourselves - guilty.

Unknown said...

Hello Sir Bruin. These days our idea of a night on the tiles is a game of scrabble after supper.

Christopher said...

Ham and Lettuce sandwiches? Just after church, where you'd been singing 'Lettuce with a gladsome mind'?

Please excuse me.