Sunday, 10 January 2010



The above photo is of the main road into Harwich on Friday afternoon. Yesterday I measured the snow here in several places and came up with an average depth of just over six inches. However it thawed all last night and has continued to do so today. The temperature is around 36 degrees F (weather wise I can only think in Fahrenheit) so perhaps the wintry spell may be near its end. Hope so anyway.
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Lori Skoog said...

That kind of weather looks pretty familiar to me.

Crowbard said...

As I recall 32 degrees Fahrenheit was the freezing point of water - so you are still measuring a near freezing temperature. I take it the old tales of 'forty below' refer to a temperature of minus eight degrees Fahrenheit? It would need to be even colder to solidify mercury which I believe freezes in 70 degrees of frost (-38Fahrenheit)
Did you ever fire a mercury ball through a 2 inch oak plank? I recall tales of such activities being undertaken in Alaska.

Unknown said...

Hi Lori. I'm glad to say it's not too familiar here. About once every ten years, I should think.
Hi Carl. Whilst Ruth was here, Lasse, 'phoning from Sweden, reportd a temperature of minus 35 degrees Fahrenheit!!!!
We don't usually go to such extremes over here.

Nea said...

I haven't a clue about fahrenheit. Celsius is what we use here, and while we were in England it was minus 44 celsius.

Thankfully, it's only been minus 25 since we arrived back.