Friday, 8 January 2010

Friday 1.


Ruth and the girls spent this morning rushing round frantically packing up ready for their return to Sweden. After a quick lunch (just after twelve) consisting of a nourishing beef stew, with creamed potatoes, carrots, peas and leeks. This was followed by a pear sponge pudding with custard. We then loaded their luggage into the car, all climbed in, and drove to the Harwich Ferry terminal. Despite the snowy conditions (see above photo) the roads weren't too bad, and we made good time. We set out much earlier than we need have done, largely because Ruth wanted to be sure that Ann and meself could drive home in daylight. Given the weather conditions I could quite see her point; once the sun went down the roads would quickly become icy, and more snow was expected (and came). More blog in a moment.
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DILLIGAF said...

Main roads seem relatively clear. Side roads are treacherous!

There's supposed to be more snow here tonight / tomorrow morning. I'm worried how to get Jax back to East London to her Uni if there is.

Ah point in worrying until you need to worry eh?

Lori Skoog said...

Mike and Ann...I am so glad you were able to have a long visit with Ruth and the girls. It must be snowing everywhere!