Thursday, 9 April 2009


Snapshot of Toppesfield Bridge in evening light.
Busy day yesterday. Early morning service (Matins) at 7.30a.m. Took the service -first one I've done. Bit nervous about it but all went well. Owing to interregnum Church rather desparate for deacons, I think. Breakfast in Church, then motored over to Sudbury to pick up a lot I'd bought in the auction there yesterday (left bids on). Quite pleased with it. Then back in car and drove on to Cambridge and met David and Maureen for lunch. After lunch we all got on 'park and ride' 'bus and went to Addenbrookes Hospital, where we saw Erica. She looked frail but very pleased to see us, and quite herself again. She's amazing. She was in a critical condition at the weekend, touch and go whether she lived through Sunday night, yet she's still with us, sense of humour and gorious smile intact. She's a survivor, and it's an answer to prayer !!!!!!! After we left Erica, we went to the day room, where we met the nieces, great nieces ( young ladies now) and great nephew Theo, who were taking turns to go in and see their mother and grandmother (Erica). After we left them, the four of us were ready for a coffee so we adjourned to the canteen for refreshment. Then back to the park and ride shuttle 'bus, return to the cars (about quarter to five) and drove home. Stopped in town on way home to stock up for the coming Easter weekend (among other things bought some Niersteiner and a bottle of Gewurtztraminer). Home seven-ish. Full day, as a result of which had excellent nights sleep.
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1 comment:

Nea said...

Very pleased to hear that Aunty America is doing so well.