Tuesday, 23 December 2008


Ann arrived home with Gran just before two p.m. Must say I think it's very sporting of Gran to undertake a two hour car journey at her age , to come and spend Christmas with us.
We had a soup and toast lunch, then have been pottering about doing last minute pre Christmas jobs. This morning found the cutlery drawer in the kitchen was falling apart, which is disgusting when you think it's only about ten years old. Glued and screwed it back together, and it's now hardening against a radiator in my cellar. Been restoring a shoe snuff box (circa 1830) with tiny nailhead decoration this afternoon. Should be done this evening. Must knock off now and do some more work. Cheers, Mike.
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Crowbard said...

Super photo, (super subjects too) makes me feel Christmasy already.

I haven't managed a "Bah! Humbug!" all day.

Unknown said...

Thank you. I'm sorry to hear you haven't managed a "Bah Humbug" all day. May I recommend the Daily Telegraph as a partial cure. After a page or so I can usually manage a heartfelt "It's disgraceful. It aught NOT to be allowed". Sportsman's bet you can't tell me who I'm quoting ?

Crowbard said...

Wouldn't be Mr Grouser from Larry the Lamb would it? Wasn't Toy-Town Parade the theme tune? - Can't recall if it was on the Home Service or the Light Program, but I think I remember lighting the gas to develop a head of steam to run the radio's dynamo! And after we upgraded from the crystal-set waiting for the thermionic valves to warm up before listening in on the head-sets/ear-phones! Halcyon barn-storming days - Ripping good times what?

Crowbard said...

Jude says it is a LOVELY picture of Annie and Gran and sends heart-felt seasonal greetings to you all with a Hug and a Kiss too.

Unknown said...

It was indeed that fine, upstanding, curmudgeonly wireless star Mr. Grouser,also starring Larry the lamb, in a programme called Toy Town or Toy Town Parade. The Theme tune was Parade of the Tin Soldiers by Leon Jessel. Lovely stuff, and you've won our sportsman's bet. Thank you Jude, looking forward to seeing you both sometime early in the new year.
Much love, Ann, Mike, and Gran.

Crowbard said...

Another sportsman's bet then:-
I bet you can tell me who used to say "Oh Mr Grouser Sir, I'm only a little Lamb!"

Or even who was given a blessing whenever she introduced herself?

Unknown said...

You're right, I can. It was Larry the lamb. And the answer to your second question is Letitia Lamb, his sister. Oh dear, that's the second sportman's bet in a row you've won. I think I must stop betting with you. Cheers, Mike.

Crowbard said...

Strange how I win the sportsmen's bets but you always win the staked wagers. Were I not a naive and gullible simpleton I might suspect there was something more than my paranoia behind this irrational but persistently reliable singularity!

Crowbard said...

Strange how I win the sportsmen's bets but you always win the staked wagers. Were I not a naive and gullible simpleton I might suspect there was something more than my paranoia behind this irrational but persistently reliable singularity!

Unknown said...

Well you see, I have made it a lifetime's rule only to make staked bets on things that I already know (and can prove) the outcome of. I find it saves unnecessary expense that way. You may remember what her Grandpa Horner told Sarah :- "only bet on racing certainties, and always remember that there's no such thing as a racing certainty."

Love, Mike.