Yesterday left home at 9.30 am and drove to Manningtree, where we attended a sick grandfather clock. Found and (I think) cured problem in 15 minutes flat. Had coffee and mince pies with clock owners , then on to Frinton to see our good friends the C.T.s. (partly at the request of their daughter). We went to their 60th wedding anniversary celebration last year (recorded on this blog entry for 6.10.07), and at that stage they appeared as fit and happy a pair of diamond wedding anniversarees as you could imagine. John is now very ill indeed (but clear headed, and still very much himself), and Ann's short term memory is shot to blazes - I hate to say it but she is now a shaky old lady. Called in to see their daughter on way back, to report back to her; she was out -and thinking about it now, I'm rather glad of it. Their son in law, David, was in, glad to see us, and we spent twenty minutes discussing possible arrangements for the immediate future. Drove home feeling thoroughly sad.
Today, as stated earlier, went to lip reading pre Christmas lunch. This term's lip reading classes ended a fortnight ago, and it was decided then that a get together was in order. We held it at the King's head (in a private room fortunately - we would have deafened the rest of the pub's other guests). It was a pretty good do. I had turkey followed by Christmas pudding with brandy butter and cream - good healthy stuff. We all let our hair down (well, those of us who had any) and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Lunch broke up at just after three. This is fairly late for a pub lunch, and was partly because the one waitress (Jan) was doubling up as washer up and wiper upperer as well, so there were pleasant gaps between courses - no bad thing when downing a traditional English Christmas pub lunch. Do you know, I think I now feel a traditional English post prandial zizz coming on, too, so will close now , for a short while, with slightly fuzzy warm regards, Mike.
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