Thursday, 11 September 2008

Still Thursday.

Sorry about the below. This beastly engine sometimes seems to have a mind of its own. And a nasty, beastly, perverse sort of mind it is- with a sense of humour to match. Well, I'm not going to pander to the ~=+***)(%£$' thing's ghastly whims by going back and correcting it. You'll just have to work it out, I'm afraid. Must go. I've a computer that requires (and is about to receive) a swift kick in the slats.


Crowbard said...

Hi Mike,
treat photies like a big awkward letter and give them a clear line above and below.
Upload your photo to your blog dashboard then click on the space immediately below the picture, press return (enter) to ensure you are on a new line and start typing.
I can't remember you having used such a plethora of typographical expletives since your neck-tie got wound around the platten of (third?) Cousin Robert's golf-ball typewriter in the sidehall at W. H.
Or was that someone else?

Unknown said...

Sounds vaguely familiar. Cousin Robert Simpson was, I think, Ann's grandfather Clayton's first cousin. Compared to the machine I am now using that Edwardian typewriter was a model of reliability. Cheers, Mike.