Sunday, 14 September 2008


Photo of farmhouse we stayed at in Denmark. We both like Denmark. A very settled country. Great chunks of it are very like Suffolk - even to the thatched, half timbered farmhouses.

Today has been a very standard Sunday. At morning service we both sang in the choir. After service coffee and catching up on all the news. Home for lunch, then changed into workshop scruff, and did a good deal of work. Ann called me for a cup of tea about five, and five minutes later the doorbell rang - old friends of ours, the Edgars, called. They'd been watching their grandson, Luke, playing cricket on the town ground, and decided to call on us after the match. Made them tea, and fortunately Ann had made a fruit cake yesterday, so was able to offer them some. Rather oddly, after service this morning the Rural Dean had told me that the town cricket ground was originally the town archery butts, so was able to pass this piece of information on to the Edgars. Luke is now fifteen, and (according to his grandmother Christine) is a very good cricketer. He must be, I think, to be playing for his village team at fifteen. Pleasant interlude, and was good to catch up on their news. Ann's just gone up to bed, so must I. Goodnight all.
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