Monday, 19 May 2008



Late the other evening I took one or two photoes by flash, and was rather pleased with the results. This is one of our small herb garden, and I rather liked the details of the Grannies Nightcaps (or aquilegia). Today has been a pottering sort of day after two fairly heavy days (Saturday at the agricultural show, Sunday in London, viewing auction, etc.) Auction viewed was Christies arms and armour with grandson Matthew's help. Whilst we were looking at early Dutch pistols, I was heartily greeted by old friend Mark Stephen, who invited us upstairs (when we'd done viewing arms) to look at the oak and metalware sale he's organising. He'd got a very unusual and interesting English engraved and dated (1655) pyx to show me. The more I looked at it the less happy I was about it. I don't think he was entirely happy either, which was probably why he was showing it to me. Don't think I'll be bidding for any metalware, but will probably go back to the arms auction. We'll see. Oddly, had a 'phone call from a friend of a friend this afternoon asking for a flintlock long gun to go over his chimney breast, which has decided me to have a go at one lot in the auction. As I said a moment ago ; we'll see. More tomorrow perhaps.
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Crowbard said...

I'm glad to see you've overcome the camera/'pooter USB glitch.
I don't think USB means 'ungainly stringy bit'- more likely it's universal serial bus, but that is not a particularly helpful title either!
Love to all,

Unknown said...

My camera still keeps trying to tell me there's a communications problem, but on the other hand it's returned to full duties. I really don't understand these high tech electronics. Do you thing it's just trying to get some attention ???

Nea said...

Don't forget you've got a couple of potential customers here too. One is still on the look out for a nutmeg grater and the other would like a flintlock that he can stock, I think he's got a barrel already.