Saturday, 8 March 2008


Fairly busy day. Workshop in morning. Went well.Scrabble club in afternoon. Won first two games (second by one point - good close game), Phyllis won third game handsomely. Then we drove to Terry's cottage (photographed above), and hung mended pendulum back on clock - now ticking away nicely. Had tea and fruit cake with Terry - also helped her with Times crossword. Then home, bit more work in workshop while Ann prepares supper. I think it's about ready, smells good, so will close and go up. Goodnight all.
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Pat said...

Hi! Just popped over from; your daughter's to see if you have followed her instructions. Just kidding!

Unknown said...

Oh, thank you Pi. At least I now know that my comments bit is now working again. Warm regards, Mike.