Tuesday, 11 March 2008


Apologies to any of my commenters who may have found it impossible to comment over the last few days. I have been having problems with unwelcome commenters and one of my computer literate daughters suggested a means of making access more difficult for what she termed 'the creeps'. I didn't follow the instructions entirely correctly (not wisely but too well, as the chap said) and managed to lock out EVERYONE who wished to comment. She has given me more instructions, which I've tried to carry out to the letter; and, with a spot of quality control assistance from P.I. I think we're back to normal. Hope so anyway. Please comment and see. Many thanks, and may flights of angels guide you to your respective rests. Warm regards, Mike.


Nea said...

Soorry (= So Sorry), I haven't been round to check results. Have had a couple of totally mad days with school skating and skiing trips, equipment and lunches to sort out, plus extra project at school to fix: in charge of 44 little artists for the next week in 4 different classrooms at 2 diffent schools, plus very important birthday to sort out. She's been counting down since Christmas.

Unknown said...

Hi, Daughter. No need to check results. The fact that you've received an answer to a comment proves that comments are, once again, getting through, what ?
Much love, Pa.