Wednesday, 7 August 2019


Soppy JokeTime.

Freja :-   "Pa. What are those rather pretty pink flowered shrubs called?"

Pa :-       "They are called Hibiscus- until they fall to  the ground."

Freja :-  "What are they called when they fall to the ground?"

Pa :-         "Lowbiscus."

Freja :-    "Oh Pa!  That is  terrible!"   Then giggled over said terrible joke for five minutes.

P.S. Does anyone else find that when grandchildren come to stay they have to  revert to schoolboy sense of  humour????


Crowbard said...

School-boy humour is the only sort I know Mike.

Mike said...

My dear boy - that is, surely, rather worrying?

Mike and Ann. said...

On the other hand, if the alternative is to finally grow up - you might have a point.

Rog said...

Knock Knock

Who's there?


I'll rest mys case....

Mike said...

Dear Roger. With your subtle jest, you have puzzled the whole of Suffolk (knock knock - who's there? Europe.)

More details please before we become a thoroughly confused county.

Crowbard said...

I think I'm better at school-boy French than school-boy humour....

I'd rather hang than join Europe....

"Your rope sir?"

Er... I think I may be in two minds about this...

Je me restaurant mon cas aussi, Pol-Roger....

Crowbard said...

Grown up school-boy jokes...

A Roman soldier staggered into a bar, held up two fingers and said "Five beers please."

How many Germans does it take to fit a light-bulb? One, they're efficient and not very funny.

Women only call me ugly until they learn how much money I make, then they call me ugly and poor!

Parallel lines have so much in common, it's a shame they'll never meet!

Crowbard said...

And a school-girl joke for Freja:-

Someone stole my mood-ring; I don't know how I feel about that!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carl and Jude. Freja says she likes your 'mood ring' joke very much. She has now explained it to me- Good One.

Z said...

I'm sorry to say, Mike, that Rog's joke requires you to answer "Europe who?"

Crowbard said...

OK Rog, sorry I was so delinquently remiss... i'd forgotten how knock-knock jokes worked!

Europe Who?

Anonymous said...

Come on Rog. You haven't forgotten the punch line, have you?

Crowbard said...

I think the punch line goes something like "Don't you call me a Pooh!"