Tuesday, 18 June 2019


 These photos were taken a few days ago - all in  the  south of the county.

I don't recall seeing any of them before.

Same with this one. I t is very self consciously pretty.  Worth stopping and snapping though.


Z said...

Thatched cottages have so much charm!

Mike said...

Very true, Zoe. We've never lived in one, though. I think because of the fire risk. We're in our fourteenth home in our fifty seventh (? I think) year of marriage, and after my latest trip now thinking seriously about bungalow living!!!!

Oh well -we'll see!! watch this space.

Crowbard said...

You're really too young to be thinking about a bungalow Mike, but perhaps it might be advantageous in view of your dodgy lower sinister limb. You could build a ground-level cellar in the garden, I believe folk call them "sheds".

Rough said...

I like the look of the thatched roof, but fear they may be rather costly and not so practical. I would worry about the fire risk and saw a picture a few days ago of a cottage in Norfolk that had sunk because, they thought, of the weight of its thatched roof.

Anonymous said...

There's an article about it here, I think:
EDP article